Custom Search

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Working Hard...?

More like the other option.

I guess since I wanted to crank out a ton of beads today things like sleeping and a social life got in the way. And I haven't even heard from my social life since I missed that payment back in June.

Well, I guess I have to be productive tomorrow. At least I made something that I can wear out tonight :-)


Matt said...

cute beads:)

Stacey said...

Ooooh, pretty. You make such nice things.

Holly said...

Social life, what's that? I don't guess I have one of those. ;-)

Archana said...

Pretty, pretty! Wish I could make my own necklaces. :)

Sally-Sal said...

Kick-ass! You're gonna rock the shit out of that whole Etsy thing.

Valerie said...

Matt and Miss. P- thanks!

Hollyrocks- haha. well watch out, it may sneak up on you when you least expect it

Archana- well soon you can make a necklace with my stuff if you choose ;)

Sally-Sal- aw thanks. I like your verbiage btw

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

After all... tomorrow is another day :)

But I'm concerned. Did you only wear the necklace that night? It's very lovely but didn't it get a little cold outside?

Have a great week!

Valerie said...

Dutch Donut Girl- haha. I wore a tank top. and pants. and it was 30' when I left and probably didn't go much below the mid 20's all night.

Insomniac Mummy said...

Social life? Does not compute ;).

Pretty necklace :).

hmla2599 said...

That's so pretty. I wish I could make things.

Damn social lives and their interest rates.

Valerie said...

Thanks Hannah- I know...ruined my credit score

Eric said...

Nice necklace, can't wait to see your store with stuff in it, then the said stuff being unavailable because it's sold. :)

Valerie said...

I hope you're right Eric :)

Mr O said...

i keep breaking these cheap bracelets I got. Maybe I can get you to make one???

Valerie said...

Anything for a blogger friend. won't be cheap though ;)

Sandy said...

Cute! Orange is one of my favorite colours. :)

Laura M said...

Just had to mention that I LOVE this necklace. I think it is one of my favorites of yours!

Valerie said...

aw- thanks Laura. That's super sweet!

Sunder said...

Haha - extreme sheep herding!! That's awesome! I need to figure out my top search links? Maybe I should start labeling my posts crazy things, like "pink squids in love" or "saturday tart madness" - whaddaya think? Traffic avalanche, right?

mylittlebecky said...

ooooo, pretty!

Valerie said...

Sunder- I think that's a great idea...though one of my searches "Valerievil" came from a comment... so who knows how google does these things

MLB- thanks sweetie :)

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